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Volunteer with The Bronx is Reading

Subscribe to dedicated newsletter for volunteers where we’ll share opportunities for you to join us!



Are you an educator, librarian, or parent?

This newsletter will feature exclusive information about authors who have partnered with The Bronx is Reading to host school visits in the Bronx and Uptown. Please note that these school visits are not affiliated with The Bronx is Reading Title I program.

Interested in Learning About Our Crowdfund Campaign?

We are so excited to embark on the journey of crowdfunding for a brick and mortar bookstore in the Bronx! This would be the second brick and mortar to come to the borough, shout out to The Lit. Bar for holding us down. If you’ve followed us over the last four years, we’d love for you to come on this journey with us too. Drop your information below and you’ll be among the first to know about our forthcoming crowdfund campaign!